So, last week an editor for a popular website that I have been quoted in before, asked for some tips for reinventing your wardrobe for spring. I sent her some great ones for cleaning out those closets and then realized the best thing I could do... was follow my own advice. As it stands, I hog the majority of the closets in my house for clothes and shoes and luckily Bill doesn't need much room, but with baby on the way, it had to be done sooner or later.
So I pulled everything out of my closets and plucked out what I no longer wear, what no longer fits properly, what looks worn or what hasn't been worn in a year or more. Since I'll be pregnant this entire summer, I also filtered out summer clothes that won't be worn this year (and therefore, likely won't be worn again). As much anxiety as giving away my precious duds gives me, it was oddly theraputic this time. Maybe because I can finally begin to see what's in my closet, as opposed to a tangle of hangers and plastic dry cleaner bags.
For the first time, most of my unwanted goods are going to consignment, with the rest going to goodwill. Consignment is a great way to at least make some cash from stuff you aren't going to wear anymore (one woman's trash is another woman's treasure, right?) I ended up with 4 huge piles and 2 bags of boots and bags. Not bad!
Anyway, here are those tips that I gave to that writer and managed to follow myself, too:
Assessing the inventory: sometimes, our closets can be the equivalent of a minefield. Hangers poking out everywhere, piles on the floor, and so much stuff, you don’t even know what you have anymore! Take the opportunity to “spring clean” your closet. Pull everything out, and try on anything you haven’t worn in a year or more. Make 3 piles: one for “keep,” one for “toss” i.e. goodwill or consignment (a great way to make $ off your unwanted duds!) and one for “saving.” Your “keep” pile should include only “classic” items that you know fit well and you will definitely wear again. I always recommend a pile for “saving” because sometimes you do have those items that you aren’t wearing right now, but you may just wear again in the future (such as evening gowns). Sometimes you can even re-purpose these items! (For example, I had a pink silk shift dress that a year later, still had tags on it. But one day, I pulled it out and tossed a purple sweater and a belt over it and voila, I had a chic new outfit). But chances are, if you haven’t worn it in a year or more, you aren’t going to.
· Classic Essentials: We all fall prey to the trends of the season (that latex tube dress seemed like a good idea at the time!) Don’t beat yourself up for this. Instead, just aim for more “classic” items, the next time you are out shopping. But first start by shopping for classics in your closet! I believe that many items are the “new” classics, i.e. things that are in season after season and don’t seem to be going out of style! These items are the Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses, skinny jeans, vests, military jackets, ankle booties, and platform shoes. We’ve all heard the advice that white button downs and blazers are the classics we should always keep – this holds true now too, but it helps to know we can get some trendy items that are now classics in their own right. Of course, if the items are still “in,” that doesn’t mean they are automatically a keeper. You have to make sure they still fit properly. The worst thing you can have is a closet full of ill-fitting garments (or take a trip to your tailor and see if he/she can salvage the item). Otherwise, it’s off to consignment they go!
· Updated or Outdated? There are simple ways you can update your style for the season, without spending a fortune. Take one of your “classic” items and update it with a great accessory. Big chunky or bib-style necklaces are HUGE for spring. That will instantly update your look, and you can find these without spending a lot of $ at stores like Forever 21, Express and H & M. Another easy way to update your wardrobe for this season? Delve into your boyfriend’s closet! Boyfriend jeans, blazers and flannel shirts are all the rage. Just be sure to pair with something ladylike, like chic stilettos, platforms, embellished flats or big earrings. You want to look like you are on-trend not cross-dressing!