So I must say, my feet are more accustomed to a pair of Chanel platform pumps or Tory Burch Reva flats, than they are to sneakers. Even when exercising (for me, I'm lucky if I get in a daily walk,) I feel funny in my sneaks. Sneakers are more function than fashion and for any fashionista, that's no fun. Until I discovered the new design-your-own Nike's. I was invited to a visit at the Nike iD studio in The Westchester Mall and let me tell you, I had the best time! Never did I think I'd be grinning from ear to ear surrounded by sports apparel...but sales reps Myrna and Alex truly showed me the way!
The store is modern and cool and built to look like a running track (but with the hardwood floors, reminded me of a dance studio as well). It's brightly lit and with Nike's reinvention (younger-oriented casual wear as opposed to your run of the mill exercise duds), I found myself coveting many an item. As we began the tour around the track-like space, I saw bright and fun hoodies, tees with kitschy sayings, lime green hi-tops - you name it! Who knew exercise could be so fun?
Our final stop was the design studio portion of the store, which is apparently their most popular spot. There, you are greeted by an array of colorful sneakers and two computers. The sales rep helps you log on and from there, you begin building your own pair! You start by choosing a style you like and that fits your needs best (for me it was a basic walking sneak with a roomy toe box). Then, you pick each and every detail, right down to the color of the lining!
Me, of course being a fashion person, opted for an 80's inspired shoe with pops of bright pink, accented with lime green. You finish the process by "id'ing" the tongues of the sneakers with the words of your choice. After much deliberation, I opted to go with BABY LOOCH, (Baby on one shoe, Looch on the other) my husband's nickname for our soon-to-be-born baby, since I'll be wearing these sneaks for the remainder of my pregnancy. Perhaps I started a trend...it's the BABY LOOCH NIKE'S! :)
The sneakers will run you around $110-$120 which is a small price to pay for something that truly is your own. I'm pretty sure I won't see anyone else walking around with neon pink and green BABY LOOCH kicks anytime soon.
There's only a few stores that actually do the Nike iD so if there isn't one near you, you can go through the whole process online.