Since 2008 is coming to a close, I figured it's a good time to do a round-up of all of my favorite beauty products: some new, some old, but nothing borrowed (germs people!!) and all of them keep me from feeling "blue!" Besides, my "secret-sharing" isn't just because I'm feeling generous. I'm constantly asked "what's the best mascara?" or "what's a good non-sticky lip gloss?" I even get texts from friends at 2 AM with such questions which leads me to believe perhaps I should start charging for such advice :-) So here I sit, contemplating on how fast the year flew, with micro-dermabrasian crystals crunching between my teeth (just had a treatment with Noela at Dr. Kleinman's office - it's fabulous) - ah, the things I do for beauty!
But fortunately, as a beauty editor and writer, I get to try the best of the best that's out there...and report it all back to you. And I'm constantly on the hunt for the "perfect" one - the perfect mascara, the perfect blush. And just because a product's not on this list, doesn't mean I don't like it or you shouldn't use it...these are just my everyday favorites. So enjoy (and chill with the 2 AM beauty emergency texts people, a girl's gotta get her beauty sleep!) :-)
Best Mascara: Believe it or not, Mary Kay! It's AMAZING. I can't explain it, it's just peeper perfection. It's worth dialing that friend who's always hounding you with the catalogues and parties. DIOR Show Mascara is a celeb fave that I found to be a bit clumpy and therefore tough to apply but once it was on properly, it was eye-opening. And if you're on a budget, nearly every makeup artist I've worked with has raved about Maybelline Great Lash (the kind in the pink and green tube).
Best Lipgloss: Believe me, I have tried them all. Especially since I skip the lipstick, gloss is even that more important. Mac Lip Glass is an old fave (and now they make one that plumps too) but I also really like the gloss tubes from Victoria's Secret beauty. They taste like a dream (I like the pudding and angel food cake flavors) and you can get a whole handful of 'em for $20.
Best Cleanser: I love the new foaming one by La Mer. The way it makes my complicated skin look and feel is worth the $70 price tag.
Best Moisturizer: NONE! Most of us don't need 'em. Just something light that has an SPF. Believe it or not, it's the moisturizer that causes clogged pores more than anything. So think before the next time you go to slather it on. Or, opt for a tinted moisturizer in place of your foundation. I like the one that Chanel makes best. It's light and the color is natural. And those creams that say they are better than Botox? They aren't. There's nothing better than the real thing. I'm sure some of my beauty publicist friends will beg to differ on this - if you have a product that can prove me wrong, I'll be happy to give it a go, but I'm not optimistic.
Best Eye Cream: For years, I have been a fan of grape seed based Caudalie eye cream (you can get it at Sephora for around $50). I'm convinced it's the reason why I still get ID'd, at the age of 31 :)
Best Undereye Concealer: Bobbi Brown! It comes in a little pot with some powder to set it too! I haven't been able to find one better. It even works for covering up severe discolorations, like bruises etc. When it comes to concealing, the queen of natural beauty Bobbi Brown is DA BOMB.
Best Powder: You only really need it on the shiny spots, not all over (corpse-chic is soo not in this year). That being said, I really like Jane Iredale's pressed powder. It comes in a cute gold compact and sets makeup in place, plus controls shine too.
Best Blush: I still haven't found this yet! I must admit, I like ALOT of blush....and I like it all over... I swipe it from my cheeks up to my temples and it just brightens my whole face. But I haven't yet found one that lasts the duration. Blush seems to do a disapearring act after a couple of hourse on my somewhat combination but can be very oily skin. I'm still on the hunt for this one and I'll be sure to let you know when I find it.
Best Shadows: MAC...hands down. Have one of their artists at the store pick out your colors and then purchase the little pots (you should have a base color, a highlighter color and then a darker accent color for the crease). They can even show you how to apply it on a little diagram, that you can take home with you and refer to when needed. A friend did this for me so when I have to do my own makeup for TV spots or what have you, I'm doing it up like a pro.
Best Hair Extensions: Yes, it's true, one can't be a "hairmeleon" (translation: hair chameleon) with a bob one day, and luscious long locks the next, without the use of hair extensions. I regularly use EZ Go Hair which is beautiful and natural and perfectly matches my own. At THE SALON and North American Training Institute for EZ Go Hair in Scarsdale, NY (914-472-1800) they safely glue the extensions to your own hair and in 3-4 months when you're ready to shed those locks, they slide right out without breaking any of your own hair through THE SALON'S own special removal process and formula (I can attest it's true since I've now had them 3 times and my hair is healthier than ever!) and if you don't want the permanent thing, they can make you a hairpiece and show you how to put it in and take it out. Isn't it fun being a girl????
Best Budget Brow Grooming Tool: You need those tiny slanted tweezers from tweezerman and some clear mascara - yes mascara - any brand will do but Maybelline is good- to keep those babies in place.
Best Makeup Philosophy: Bobbi Brown. She's all about natural beauty, which isn't that what we're all after anyway? You want makeup to enhance what you have, not cover it up...and you invest in all these skincare potions and lotions because you want them to make your skin better so you can wear less makeup...so her philosophy, really makes sense. And I'm not just saying that because she told me I looked like her spring campaign model :-) I love that a perfect Bobbi Brown face consists of concealer where needed and the eyes are emphasized by liner on the top ONLY, so no raccoons in sight. When it comes to makeup, less really is more...when it's done right.
Best Beauty Advice: It could be when Cindy Crawford told me you have to be happy and fulfilled on the inside, otherwise nothing you do on the outside matters... which is a nice thought...but Paulina Porizkova said it best when she skimps rather than splurges when it comes to the sweets (I guess you can choose to be fat and happy or skinny and happy - LOL)
And if you have anything you think I - JUST - HAVE - TO - TRY, send me an email and I'll get right on it!
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