Monday, January 5, 2009


At the dawning of the New Year, I'm amazed at just how far I've come. Yes, 2008 was indeed a big year for me, with many, many exciting changes. However, some of the "smaller" ones amaze me the most. For example, I'm opting for a nightly mug of hot cocoa in lieu of that glass (or 2, or 3) of wine per night. And I'm even foraying into cooking and shockingly, somewhat enjoying it (even if it does ruin my manicure.) I've fired my cleaning lady and begun doing it myself (with gloves, of course) and not minding it so much (perhaps taking pride in the new home that we have worked so hard for.) Either I'm becoming domesticated... or I'm simply, growing up. At 31 years old, I've accomplished many of the things I could have only dreamed of by this age. My first book is coming out at the end of the year and will hopefully help millions of women and girls. I have a great husband, lots of family, a nice house, and wonderful life-long friends. I have a career that consists of doing what I love, a blessing in itself. Yes, it's true, most of what I write about these days or talk about on the news, involve fashion and beauty. But as I embark on 2009, here's to what's behind it. For those of you who think the life of a fashion and beauty editor is a shallow one, know that this fashion and beauty editor is quite fulfilled. The lip gloss pot is more than half-full and I'm darn grateful for it.

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